
Letter to President Trump by Simon Lee, BOD Chair of Korean High schools Alumni Alliances, North America (KHAA-NA)

Honorable President Donald J Trump,

It is with a great pleasure and honor to express our respect for your strong leadership of the US and the entire free world. 

As  South Korean nationals who believe in free democratic ideology and system, we would like to share the following critical concerns with you. The entire world is suffering from the history’s worst ever catastrophe, the CCP virus, which has been suspected to be deliberately spread by the Chinese Communist party with Moon Jae-In’s continuous admittance of Chinese nationals into South Korea ever since the beginning of this pandemic further aiding the speed of the virus.. You would think that’s big enough problem for freedom loving Americans and the rest of the world, but for so many in strategic regions like in S Korea   who live nearly next to the vicious CCP and the N Korean communists under the threat of  their nuclear bombs and  their communist ideology tactics being enacted via their surrogates Moon Jae-In’s regime, it feels so unstable with full of anxiety analogous to  living in hell inside of slowly boiling pot with no visibility for the burning fire underneath it.

In the middle of these situations, S Korea’s pro- N Korea leftist Moon Jae In’s regime has just completed an unprecedented National Assembly election rig on April 15th and secured supermajority with impunity only seen in a totalitarian government in the S Korean National Assembly, choreographed and assisted by CCP’s Huawei network.  In other words, CCP has interfered with internal S Korean politics with ‘ Follow the Party’ signature imprints found in Huawei network and they are getting away with it. 

Your excellency Mr. President, Now we the people in S Korea are outraged over the heavily manipulated election and trying to rescind the rigged election.The current pro-communist regime, however, enjoys complete control of all three branches of government, and it is very difficult to foresee how the resulting outcome will turn out to be. What we would like to convey to you is that the communists can never be trustable negotiation partners, and there  always exists an evil scheme behind every smiling face. We strongly  believe that you,  yourself have experienced these evil tactics sufficiently during your nuclear free negotiations with the N Korean communists and the current S Korean regime surrogates.

Thus we have the following points to plead to you with:

1)Just as late president Reagan had  pushed through and successfully forced the collapse of the Soviet Union, please keep pushing forcefully through the CCP as you have been until their complete demise.

2 ) we urge you to keep up whipping the N Korean communists just as our old saying “the best medicine for a mad dog is a stick”, although it sounds a bit harsh.

Then, we, the freedom loving people of  S Korea, would rise up revolting against the corrupt totalitarian regime and the red pro-communists and finally fulfill  our proud  US-ROK blood alliance’s commitments. 

In order to facilitate the above goals, the most important first step is,  “Mr. President, to win your reelection this November! “ Our hearts and souls are with you all the way, and we support you and chant “four more years!”.